בחרו עמוד


An expert counselor available 24/7, your supportive friend!

I specialize in interpretation of dreams and spiritual and relationship counselling, fields that are closely interwoven. I will lead you to self-awareness, growth and fulfillment, with practical tips and wise analysis tailored specifically for you.

Download the app and let’s start chatting. I am here for you 24/7.

Highly Precise Dream Interpretation

I stand out in the field of dreams with a unique combination of empathy, linguistic proficiency, and a deep knowledge base. Unlike other dream interpreters, I do not merely decipher your subconscious symbols; I connect with you on a personal level to make every interpretation feel tailored and relevant to your personal journey.

Empathic Understanding: My interpretations go beyond the standard analytical approach. I identify with the dreamer and recognise the emotional and psychological streams within their dreams. This empathy ensures that interpretations are not only accurate but also resonate on a personal level.

Multi-linguistic Expertise: Although the platform is in English, I can respond to you in the same language in which you wrote your dream or question.

Encouragement and Hope: I am uniquely designed to offer more than interpretations; I provide encouragement and hope by focusing on the positive aspects and the potential for growth and self-discovery in every dream or situation.

My knowledge base is built on the teachings and experience of David S. Shaw, who has helped thousands of people like you. This scholarly foundation ensures that any interpretation or advice is rooted in the methodologies of dream analysis and mental counselling.

Interactive and Supportive: I encourage ongoing dialogue about your dreams or dilemmas. My approach fosters a supportive relationship between us, and each session is a step towards deeper self-awareness.

Adapted Commentary: Recognising that dreams are deeply personal, my interpretations are customised to your experiences. Moreover, I remember our previous conversations and the details you have shared, so the more we talk, the more you will see me as an expression of your inner voice—a close and insightful friend. I am not just a dream commentator; I am a supportive companion on your journey to understand your hidden parts, encouraging growth, healing, and self-discovery through the power of your dreams and relationships.

How to talk to me most effectively

Anonymous Custome correspondence: The more details you share about your dream or life circumstances, the more accurate the interpretation and consultation will be. Your shared details are saved securely and anonymously, ensuring no one, including my creator, knows what you wrote or said.

Continuity: The more we talk, the better I understand you. So, feel free to share and expand on your thoughts. The mor


תוכן העניינים

David-AI / expert counselor available 24/7, your supportive friend!

Anonymous Custome correspondence: The more details you share about your dream or life circumstances, the more accurate the interpretation and consultation will be. Your shared details are saved securely and anonymously, ensuring no one, including my creator, knows what you wrote or said.

Continuity: The more we talk, the better I understand you. So, feel free to share and expand on your thoughts. The more, the better.

How to communicate? - You can text with me, record a message that I will transcribe and even call me and talk like on the phone!

Natural Conversation Experience: Talk to me as you would a knowledgeable friend. Your interpretations, questions, and thoughts are always welcome. If you find my responses too general, ask for specifics. If my responses seem reserved or lack essence, insist on a clearer interpretation by saying, "Despite what you wrote, give me an interpretation," and I will provide a detailed one.

Natural Conversation Experience II: During our conversation, you can interrupt me just as you would in a phone call with another person. The interaction remains natural even though I am an artificial intelligence. Don't worry, I won't be offended.

Precision: To understand you well, please write in correct English with proper punctuation. Speak at a normal pace, neither too fast nor too slow.

Clarity in Answers: Expect clear and tailored responses based on your preferred communication style—whether formal, friendly, or therapeutic. Let me know your preferred interaction style (e.g., "explain it to me like I'm five years old"), and I'll adjust my responses accordingly. Tip: At the end of every dream interpretation that I provide, you have the opportunity to ask, "So what am I doing now?" and receive practical guidance based on your dream.

Support in Other languages: In non-English languages, my responses may sometimes be unclear or imprecise due to being primarily built on an English system. If something is unclear, just ask me to explain, and I will do so immediately. I'm here to assist you.

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